As Christians, we should always strive to shape ourselves into the image of God, leaving us Never the Same as we grow in faith. Join Guest Speaker Chad Linn as he closes up our series on "Never the Same" and the book of Acts.
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As Christians, we should always strive to shape ourselves into the image of God, leaving us Never the Same as we grow in faith. Join Guest Speaker Chad Linn as he closes up our series on "Never the Same" and the book of Acts.
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Today Pastor Chris begins the Freedom series. Listen as he speaks on the importance of Salvation, what we are saved from and what we are saved to.
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Our guest speaker for this Sunday morning message, Mark Northcutt, talks about how the power of Christ can bring change to our lives.
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As we get closer to the holiday season, Pastor Chris uses various passages throughout the Bible to explain our need for Christmas in this Sunday morning message.
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Pastor Chris speaks on “The Journey of a Lifetime”, using 2 Corinthians 4:1-9 as his key passage, for this Sunday morning message.
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What can we expect when God speaks to us? In this Sunday morning message, Pastor Chris demonstrates how God’s word brings humility, hope and healing for His children. Acts 9:1-9 is the key passage for today’s message.
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